Survey Privacy Statement

Last updated: 3 February 2020

  1. What personal information are we collecting?
    We may collect the names, organisation and designation (where applicable), e-mail addresses, telephone numbers, gender (where applicable), date of birth (where applicable), nationality (where applicable) and IP address of survey participants.
  2. How do we use your personal information?
    We use the information to verify that the survey respondents and responses are genuine. Subject to your prior agreement we may also use personal information to contact you about future/follow-up surveys and to send you selective informational messages such as a newsletter or invitation to an event.
  3. How do we share your personal information?
    We do not share personal information with any other persons or organisations (so-called ‘third parties’), including the institution that has commissioned an AppliedHE rating or ranking. However we will share your personal information with government authorities when compelled to do so by law. We will publish non-personal aggregated survey responses and analysis based on your survey responses.
  4. How long will we store your personal information?
    We will store personal contact information related to the surveys (name, e-mail address, telephone number) up to 3 years after the last survey has been completed. Other survey responses may be stored indefinitely for internal research, archival and historical purposes. Note that you may opt-out of our promotional or future/follow-up mailings at any time.
  5. How secure is the data in our possession?
    Your data is stored on a password protected database hosted on servers located in Singapore and Malaysia. All communication with the database is encrypted. Survey results may be transmitted to locations outside Singapore or Malaysia for further processing by our employees. While we do our best to protect your personal information, we can never be 100% sure that that no unauthorised access will occur.
  6. How can I view and edit my personal information?
    You retain ownership over your own data and have the right to view and edit your own information. To request access to your data, or if you have any further questions, please send an e-mail to Survey@AppliedHE.COM.
  7. Who is collecting and managing my personal information?
    Your personal information is managed by AppliedHE Pte. Ltd., a limited liability company incorporated in Singapore under file number 201902332M and with its registered office at 3 Marigold Drive, Singapore 576384.